
Macedonia free zone
Macedonia free zone

macedonia free zone

The law on technological – industrial development zones states that the maximum intensity of the regional aid shall amount up to: This law is lex specialis in the area that determines the manner of providing investment gains allocated to investors by granting state aid in the form of regional aid under the conditions determined by the Law.

macedonia free zone

The benefits for the foreign investors are regulated by the Law on technological – industrial development zones adopted in 2007.

macedonia free zone

These companies generate high profits, despite the low cost of operation of its business offered by the Republic of North Macedonia and their benefits are guaranteed by law to all foreign investors who decide to invest in the technological – industrial zones. Currently in the Republic of North Macedonia 15 technological – industrial zones have been opened which someone fully functional and other one are in different stage of preparation. In these zones so far, according to official statistics of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia several world renowned companies have started working, such as Johnson Matthey, Vanhool, Kostal, Kemet Electronics and many others. The Republic of North Macedonia is a small country that offers great investment opportunities that are best represented through the opening of technological – industrial development zones set up with only one goal, which is to attract foreign and domestic capital so as to develop new technologies and through their application in the national economy increase the competitiveness and employment. (INVESTING IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONES)

Macedonia free zone